Green Concepts helped 5 Houston Center in achieving LEED® EB: O&M Gold Certification early 2010. Early in the process, we were able to quickly identify potential areas of improvement that would lead to enhanced environmental efficiency. Our no-cost and lowcost recommendations for increased operational and energy efficiency yielded results that were apparent in a few weeks.
The Property’s existing operating plans were used as a foundation for LEED® EB: O&M compliant operations. The Re-Commissioning Plan recommended improvements that yielded results and savings in a matter of weeks and also resulted in enhanced thermal comfort and air quality. We also implemented a tenant feedback system by which tenants were able to provide valuable input in the sustainability process. This was essential to achieving tenant participation in a building like 5 Houston Center.
The Property’s existing operating plans were used as a foundation for LEED® EB: O&M compliant operations. The Re-Commissioning Plan recommended improvements that yielded results and savings in a matter of weeks and also resulted in enhanced thermal comfort and air quality. We also implemented a tenant feedback system by which tenants were able to provide valuable input in the sustainability process. This was essential to achieving tenant participation in a building like 5 Houston Center.